Eco-responsible approach

The Co-op is committed to complying with the 2015 Paris agreements, developing a low-emission structure and actions, and aiming for a net zero carbon footprint by 2030. 
All cooperative members are contributing to this approach, with the aim of combating global warming and respecting our planet, while improving the quality of our activities without hindering them.

Various aspects of our activity have been targeted to contribute to this objective, as for example:
1.    Priority in promoting the circular economy: locally hosted website, locally produced dematerialised business cards, mutual insurance, banking and fiduciary system from the social economy 
2.    Priority to recycled products: reconditioned IT equipment, etc.
3.    Priority to low emissions: soft mobility in Geneva, partnerships during missions abroad, energy-efficient shared premises, etc.
The aim is to validate this approach with an eco-responsible label.