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Geneva Global Health Coop
Uniting Minds, Improving Lives
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Avec vous
Ensemble, construisons la santé de demain
Promouvoir les pratiques innovantes
Faciliter les rencontres
Elaborer des solutions
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Welcome to the Geneva Global Health Cooperative Society website! 
Our cooperative is dedicated to promoting global health and well-being in the Geneva community. The site offers a comprehensive platform for discovering the services and expertise of the co-operators. The home page features an engaging introduction to the group's mission and values, highlighting their commitment to global health and their expertise in different areas of health.


Operating model

The Geneva Global Health cooperative, created in July 2024 by 10 funding members, all specialised in Global Health, is based on a code of ethics and eco-responsible approach used for its development and all activities. These two documents are the founding pillars of the cooperative to which cooperators refer during the prospections, to select the projects to apply to, to define our actions models and for all activities the cooperative is involved in.

The cooperative operates based on a flat hierarchy where decisions are taken by consent. It is part of the Social Solidarity Economy, notably through membership of its umbrella organisation Après-GE.

An advisory committee, made up of experts from the academic, operational and research fields, supports the cooperative in its strategic orientations, the search for partners, the definition of project methodologies and the evaluation of work carried out.

Partnerships with local or regional professionals are sought in all projects to enable the sharing of know-how, the adaptation of actions to contexts and the acceptance of projects by local populations.


Our values

Each member has equal power within the co


Code of ethics

The cooperative values are based on four fundamental principles:
1.    Respect among ourselves, with our partners and as a state of mind overall.
2.    Transparency by making our values, our work and our financial results accessible.
3.    Ethical and responsible behaviour by being proactive and honest in our work with each other, with our partners and with communities.
4.    Inclusion and fairness by valuing a diversity of cultures, specialities and sharing of the resources generated.


Eco-responsible approach

The Co-op is committed to complying with the 2015 Paris agreements, developing a low-emission structure and actions, and aiming for a net zero carbon footprint by 2030. 
All cooperative members are contributing to this approach, with the aim of combating global warming and respecting our planet, while improving the quality of our activities without hindering them.

Various aspects of our activity have been targeted to contribute to this objective, as for example:
1.    Priority in promoting the circular economy: locally hosted website, locally produced dematerialised business cards, mutual insurance, banking and fiduciary system from the social economy 
2.    Priority to recycled products: reconditioned IT equipment, etc.
3.    Priority to low emissions: soft mobility in Geneva, partnerships during missions abroad, energy-efficient shared premises, etc.
The aim is to validate this approach with an eco-responsible label.



The cooperative is managed by a general assembly made up of its members and a bureau made up of 4 elected representatives: a president, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer.
Decisions are taken through discussions in which each member expresses his or her opinions. The various arguments help to build a consensus in which everyone is convinced and adheres to the solution built together.
The projects, for which the cooperative could apply, can be put forward by any member of the cooperative. They are discussed and validated together and the members willing to work on them are identified. The draft proposal is reviewed by the members of the cooperative before submission. The advisory committee is asked to provide technical and methodological advice and to monitor and evaluate it.
Each member has equal power within the cooperative.


Our team